Incentivizing Collaborative and Open Research (ICOR – it’s new!)
The Next Generation Library Publishing project has released a report on progress as we march towards a new modular architecture that will feed an ecosystem of library publishing platform and service provider options.

Open Source Library Publishing Infrastructure: progress in leaps and bounds!
The Next Generation Library Publishing project has released a report on progress as we march towards a new modular architecture that will feed an ecosystem of library publishing platform and service provider options.

The new age of preprints: enhanced, reproducible, and reusable
Invest in Open Infrastructure receives initial funding to launch and hire a Director
Open Infrastructure principles: a panel discussion
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Schmidt Futures Supports Invest in Open Infrastructure (IOI)
Invest in Open Infrastructure receives initial funding to launch and hire a Director

What’s in your platform? Encoding the right values into your software
Based on a talk given at the NASEM Roundtable Adopting Open Science Practices: Researcher Perspectives on Incentives and Disincentives |
Kristen Ratan | September 20, 2019

Introducing Stratos!
For some time now, I’ve been considering what open science / open scholarship needs in order to become the norm, the way we do science. I believe that we need to become a united movement, to consolidate the many disparate and loosely connected initiatives and efforts under a strong and more unified vision.