Research communication is failing us
Let’s rebuild research communication as an extension of the research process There's been an increase in concerns about research integrity in the past few years, with more researchers being called out for everything from missing information, to sloppy science, to...

Case Studies in Moving Data from Sharing to Reuse and Collaboration
Thanks in large part to the OSTP Nelson memo, the availability of research data is getting a level of attention that many of us think is long overdue. ‘Data sharing,’ as it’s commonly known, is a bit of a misnomer that belies both the work that goes into meeting even...

The Year of Open Science is Flying By
Late last year NASA manifested a collective scholarly communications dream by declaring 2023 The Year of Open Science across U.S. federal granting agencies. For those of us in the States, used to looking elsewhere for national-level policies and coordination, this...

Stratos welcomes Jennifer Kemp as Director, Consulting Services
Jennifer Kemp is joining Stratos as Director of Consulting Services!

Incentivizing Collaborative Open Research (ICOR): First Public Meeting on May 17th 2023
Stratos Founder, Kristen Ratan, also CoFounded ICOR along with Sarah Greene, CEO of Rapid Science. We are pleased to announce that ICOR’s inaugural public webinar is scheduled for May 17, 10:30am – 12pm ET; please join us by registering here. The Agenda is now available!

Building a body of evidence for open research: let’s start rowing in the same direction
n the year of open science, there is a new wave of policy and interest, but still very little direct evidence on the impact of open research. Incentivizing Collaborative Open Research (ICOR) is building that evidence base

Open infrastructure for open research – realizing a new ecosystem
The growth of open access and new demand from the OSTP memo needs an investment in open infrastructure so that open access and open data can scale.

The OSTP future for open: meeting the infrastructure gap
The growth of open access and new demand from the OSTP memo needs an investment in open infrastructure so that open access and open data can scale.

Work with us!
We’re hiring a program manager to work on several exciting open science projects. It’s a growth opportunity. Join us!

Shifting the incentives in research: open as a basis for collaboration
With Stratos turning 2, we are sharpening our focus on incentivizing collaborative open research though a combination of policy work, best practices, and open infrastructure