by Kristen Ratan | Aug 3, 2021 | Open Science, Project Highlight
Shifting from closed and competitive to open and collaborative research For the past 15 months, a group of trusted colleagues have been meeting regularly to discuss how to move from dialog to action in changing the incentives for scientific research from closed and...
by Kristen Ratan | Mar 17, 2021 | About Stratos, Open Science, Project Highlight
The Next Generation Library Publishing project has released a report on progress as we march towards a new modular architecture that will feed an ecosystem of library publishing platform and service provider options. Stratos works in partnership with Educopia, the...
by Kristen Ratan | Sep 9, 2020 | Open Science, Opinion, Preprints
Introduction In the era of Covid-19, life science and medical preprint submission has been rapidly rising. At the same time, more preprint sites and related services are appearing that could help preprints quickly evolve to be the dynamic, evolving story of research...
by Kristen Ratan | Jun 22, 2020 | Open Science, Presentation
In a recent panel during the Open Publishing Festival, Stratos Founder Kristen Ratan joined Jean-Sébastien Caux (SciPost), Emma Ganley (, Vanessa Proudman (SPARC Europe, SCOSS), Egon Willighagen (Scholia/Wikidata, Maastricht University) in a discussion on...
by Kristen Ratan | Oct 9, 2019 | About Stratos, Open Science, Project Highlight, Uncategorized
Code for Science and Society and the IOI Steering Committee announced today that Invest in Open Infrastructure (IOI) has been generously supported with an award of $150K USD from Schmidt Futures, a philanthropic initiative founded by Eric and Wendy Schmidt. IOI...
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